Monday 5 March 2012

TungXsten's Unveiling!

TungXsten's new site is unveiled!
Thanks for joining us tonight, it's been great to catch up with some new and familiar faces, we love hanging out with you guys. We've been working up a storm behind the scenes at TungXsten HQ getting this little surprise ready for you and at last, the unveiling is here!!

This is a huge milestone for us. Having our own site not only means that we'll be able to keep in touch with all our favourite fans but it also makes it easier for us to convince those in the business that we're serious about our music and that they need TungXsten at their venue. 

TungXsten's Brand New Site Is Unveiled!
All Things TungXsten In One Place 

Take a look at the top of your screen...see that? We've got:

Before you go...
We simply have to take this opportunity to thank each and every single one of you for your support - words can't explain how much it means to us. Your support makes getting out of bed in the mornings so much easier. ( ◕)

Take a good look around (we're still trying to find our way around too) and tell us what you think. Thanks for coming along tonight and remember, next time you hear someone say "party"... this is where you send them for a band. 

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